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Writer's pictureAmber Satterfield

"Unmasking Hidden Components Of Your Over-The-Counter Medications: An Eye-Opener To Conscious Health

Are you familiar with the band-aid solution of home repairs?

Fixing a leaking pipe with duct tape may work temporarily, but eventually, the problem escalates. The pipe bursts, causing more damage than the initial leakage. Interestingly, a similar scenario plays out in our bodies with over-the-counter (OTC) medications like Pepto-Bismol, Tums, Miralax, Prilosec, Imodium, Tylenol and Gas-X.

These medications, as beneficial as they may seem, merely offer temporary rapid relief for what may be deeper health issues. Often, the body communicates through symptoms, and instead of deciphering these messages, we resort to muting them with OTC medications. Over time, these band-aid solutions turn into potential health burdens. Let's pull back the curtain and explore what we're really consuming when we consume that innocent-seeming medication.

OTC Medications - More Than Meets The Eye

Pepto-Bismol, commonly used to relieve digestive issues, contains bismuth subsalicylate. This compound works by reducing inflammation and excess acid in the stomach. But here's the catch - the subsalicylate part is chemically similar to aspirin, which can cause salicylate toxicity in high doses. This can lead to vomiting, dehydration, and in severe cases, even kidney failure.

Tums, on the other hand, is primarily composed of calcium carbonate, a relatively benign compound that neutralizes stomach acid. However, excessive calcium intake can lead to kidney stones, constipation, and impaired absorption of other vital minerals. Moreover, it contains added sugars and artificial flavors, contributing to the toxic load on your body. In addition, your body needs certain nutrients in order to properly absorb calcium, including Vitamins D and K, and magnesium. When our bodies do not have sufficient nutrients, this can lead to too much calcium in the bloodstream which can weaken our bones.

Miralax uses polyethylene glycol (PEG) to treat constipation by pulling water into the intestines. However, concerns have been raised about the safety of PEG due to its potential to cause genetic mutations and inflammatory bowel disease.

Prilosec, a popular proton pump inhibitor (PPI), decreases stomach acid production. Long-term use can lead to nutrient deficiencies, especially magnesium and vitamin B12, as stomach acid plays a critical role in their absorption. Chronic use can even lead to increased risks of bone fractures and kidney disease. (Did you know that most acid reflux is the result of insufficient stomach acid anyways? Double punch!)

Imodium, primarily composed of loperamide, slows down the movement of the gut to reduce diarrhea. But it doesn't treat the root cause, potentially leaving infections or other serious conditions unaddressed. Overdose can lead to serious heart problems and even death.

Gas-X uses simethicone to relieve bloating, discomfort, or pain caused by excess gas. While it's considered safe, it's a band-aid solution to what may be an indication of food intolerances, gut dysbiosis, or digestive disorders.

Tylenol and NSAIDs Beneath their relieving surface, they contain additives and chemicals that your liver must work overtime to process and they directly cause gut lining irritation that can lead to Enhanced Intestinal Permeability (leaky gut). While these pills may hush your body's screams, remember - your body is trying to converse with you, not irritate you.

The Hidden Burden On Our Detox Pathways

All these OTC medications, along with their additives like dyes, fillers, and preservatives, are metabolized by our liver, the body's primary detoxifying organ. The cumulative load of these substances can stress the liver, impairing its function over time.

Also, these substances can compromise the function of other detox pathways, like the kidneys, lungs, and skin, leading to a build-up of toxins in the body; especially if you are experiencing constipation and leaky gut. This can manifest in various ways, from fatigue and skin problems to more severe chronic diseases.

Finding the Root Cause – A More Sustainable Approach

Understanding that these medications are merely band-aids, it becomes clear that they're not the long-term answer. The key is to find and address the root cause of the symptoms. Chronic heartburn might indicate a need for dietary changes, chronic constipation might be a sign of poor hydration, and persistent bloating might be a symptom of gut dysbiosis.

Functional medicine practitioners are experts in identifying and addressing these root causes. They use comprehensive histories, advanced diagnostic tools, and personalized lifestyle interventions to help patients achieve optimal health.

The Road Ahead

Remember, every pill we pop or medication we sip sends a ripple effect throughout our body. Being mindful of our OTC medication usage, acknowledging our body's signals, and seeking the root cause of our ailments is essential for maintaining long-term health. It's high time we shift our focus from the band-aid solutions to more holistic, root cause-focused healthcare. Remember, every 'innocent' pill taken without addressing the underlying issue is potentially a step towards illness.

Listen to your body; it's smarter than you think.

The truth is that long-term health is a journey that requires commitment and time. Opting for quick fixes might offer temporary relief but do not address the underlying issue.

So, how can you navigate your path to wellness and find the root cause?

Comprehensive Functional Labs:

Laboratory tests provide valuable insights into your body’s functioning. However, it's essential to choose functional lab tests targeting your symptoms. These tests go beyond standard labs, looking at the body's function at the cellular level to uncover issues before they escalate into diseases. These can look for undiscovered imbalances that are present in the body that can be mediated through targeted care.

Diet Changes:

Our daily food choices play a significant role in our health. Processed foods laden with sugar, unhealthy fats, and artificial additives contribute to inflammation and disease. Embrace a nutrient-dense, whole food diet, eliminating processed foods, and watch your health transform.

Stress Management:

Chronic stress can negatively impact every body system, from digestion to immunity. Techniques like yoga, mindfulness, and meditation can help manage stress levels, improving overall health and well-being.

Quality Sleep:

Sleep is essential for body repair and rejuvenation. Ensure you’re getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Establish a regular sleep routine and make your bedroom conducive for sleep.

Eating Hygiene:

Paying attention to how you eat is just as important as what you eat. Eating in a rush or in a stressed state impairs digestion. Practice mindful eating, chew thoroughly, and create a calm eating environment to enhance digestion.

Identifying Food Sensitivities:

Food sensitivities can cause chronic inflammation, leading to various health issues. Identifying and eliminating these trigger foods through elimination diets or sensitivity testing can be transformative.

Gut Healing:

The gut is often referred to as the "second brain" and is the cornerstone of our health. Probiotics, fiber-rich foods, and bone broths can nourish your gut. But what if you have dysbiosis, yeast overgrowths, infections, H. Pylori, etc? Consider working with a functional medicine practitioner to devise a personalized gut-healing protocol.

By focusing on these areas, you'll be well on your way to uncovering the root causes of your symptoms and steering your health in the right direction. The journey to wellness requires patience, but it's a journey well worth taking.

If you need help in your journey to wellness, our team is always here to help.

In Health & Wellness,

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