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Hey there, my friend!

I'm Amber Satterfield,

an Applied Functional Medicine Practitioner, Nutrition Consultant, Author and Health Advocate.

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Thanks so much for taking the time to visit my page! I honor your curiosity today.


I am an Applied Functional Medicine Practitioner,  Internationally Certified Health & Nutrition Consultant, Best Selling Author of "Thriving with Autoimmune Diseases" and Health Advocate.


But that's not all I am... I am also a Warrior of 4 Autoimmune Diseases, Type 2 Diabetes and cancer.


I'd like to share a bit about myself and why I am so passionate about my journey to Functional Medicine.


In my teens, I began seeing doctors for "minor" health concerns like mild depression and constipation. As time went on over the next six years of my life, I gradually just got sicker and sicker. Constant gas, constipation then diarrhea, headaches, extreme depression and fatigue, 80-pound weight gain in 8 months, passing 15+ kidney stones and so much more. I was basically in the Emergency Room once a month for a really long time. I was so scared and I was so sick all the time. At times, I really thought I was dying because I had no clue what was going on with my body. Then the surgeries began. My illness finally crept into my appendix and it burst; leaving me rushing to the hospital for an Appendectomy. But even then, the other pains did not subside. Over the next six months, I had to put college on hold because I was in so much pain and despair every day. FINALLY, on one of the ER visit nights, my family carried me into a Hospital I had not been to before, and immediately they sent me to get emergency surgery. My intestines had been closed for so long that they burst inside me. That scary day in May of 2008 has now forever changed my life!


But I got answers! I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. I felt a sigh of relief that there was an answer but then the prescriptions of pills began. I immediately knew in my gut that there had to be a better way. I didn't want to take medication. 


I began seeing practitioners of Homeopathy & Functional Medicine to being my healing journey, learning about the body and what makes us sick. I amusingly obsessed over Food Network to teach myself how to cook healthy and nutritious foods! At that time, I had a severe leaky gut and had developed allergies and sensitivities to over 55 foods. I was diabetic, diagnosed with Hashimotos Thyroiditis, Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis, and then Cancer, and had gained over 80 pounds from being so sick and struggling with the yo-yo dieting and immense stress. 














heal autoimmune

I have now overcome and reversed every single disease and lost over 60 pounds without the use of medications and this amazing journey has made me so PASSIONATE to help others find healing just as I have! I now THRIVE & feel so nourished and incredible in my body! 


What I would've given for someone to help and support me through my journey in the beginning because I certainly had my ups and downs for decades but I have been persistent which has led me study at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and ultimately to Functional Medicine.

I received my training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition*, where I studied a variety of dietary theories, nutrition, health practices and practical lifestyle coaching methods. I knew the people I wanted to help were ailed with complex cases that I needed a rigorous and deep understanding of the body, why we get sick and how we can heal so I continued my studies at Stanford University & the ultimately The School of Applied Functional Medicine

As a guide, I put the power back in YOUR hands. You can count on me to be there supporting and EMPOWERING you every single step of the way throughout your own bio-individual journey to find your WHY and to find your true health and happiness.  


I am confident that whatever Autoimmune Disease or Gut Health issue crosses my desk, we are prepared to help you achieve your optimal health! I so look forward to meeting you and getting the opportunity to share in your health journey with you!


With Love, 

Amber ♥


PS. Do you have an Autoimmune Disease, too? And finally want answers on how to heal in your own body? Download my Free 5 Step Method to begin your healing journey too! 



Thriving with Autoimmune Diseases: The Journey from Chronic Disease to Reclaiming My Health

In 2008, a Crohn's disease diagnosis shattered my world, adding to a growing list of autoimmune battles including Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, type 2 diabetes, and even cancer. Yet, this story isn't about illness—it's about an extraordinary transformation.


Fed up with just surviving, I turned to functional medicine, revolutionizing my diet, lifestyle, and mindset. This wasn't just a physical overhaul; it was an emotional awakening. Through trials and triumphs, I didn't just heal—I reinvented my life.


Now, as a symptom-free applied functional medicine practitioner, I share my journey from engineering to empowering others. This book is more than my story; it's a beacon of hope and a guide for anyone eager to reclaim their health.


Ready to transform your health and energy?


Join me on this life-changing adventure.


Let's thrive together!

In addition to my own personal experience with reversing 4 Autoimmune Diseases, Type 2 Diabetes, cancer and a lifelong struggle of gut issues, I have a rigorous & robust education that serves me every single day successful help me puzzle piece even my most complex of clients.

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The School of Applied Functional Medicine

  • Functional Medicine Fundamentals & Clinical Application Program

  • Advanced: Disease and The Gut

  • Advanced: Fibromyalgia Functional Interconnectedness

  • Advanced: Sex Hormone Balance, Dysfunction and Assessment

  • Advanced: ADD/ADHD - Getting to the Root

  • Advanced: Cancer Interventions

  • Advanced: Anxiety, Depression and Mood Imbalances


Stanford University: Study of Gut Bacteria in Health and Disease 


The Institute of Integrative Nutrition: Internationally Certified Health & Nutrition Coach

  • Heath & Nutrition Training Program

  • Coaching Intensive Practicum

  • Advanced: Detoxification

  • Advanced: Gut Health

  • Advanced: Hormone Health

  • Advanced: Emotional Eating Psychology


500-hr Registered Yoga Teacher Training


Discover Healing: Emotion Code & Body Code Practitioner


Reiki Master Training Program


Oklahoma State University: Bachelors of Science

Apply to work with me

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