Hello my dearest friend, Lately I have been dedicated to a 40-day Claim Your Power Challenge by Mastin Kipp. I wasn't sure what this challenge really was at first. It promised "a 40-day Journey to dissolve the hidden trauma that's kept you stuck and finally thrive in your life's unique purpose". Throughout my growth and healing, I find that when you are ready the teacher appears so I decided not to question the signs and commit to the challenge. And a challenge it has been. This journey is taking me through the depths of some old survival patterns that I developed to keep me safe, old traumas in which I didn't remember were even there, places where I resist and play small because of deep rooted fears of rejection... A lot of this trauma which caused me not to be healthiest and happiest self. One thing I know is always true, growth is messy. Change is messy. Breaking habits is messy. I used to believe that the messy bits made me look weak. I was too afraid to ever go there because I clung on for dear life thinking certain things existed because I needed them to keep me alive. But in reality, they were keeping me more dead than alive. The fear was keeping me dead.... But it's in the fear and messy bits that I have begun to have immense and deep appreciation. Deep appreciations for ALL that I have been through. The hardships I have endured (and put on myself) are true blessings because as we face challenges head first we may fall, trip and get shoved back but we also get stronger, healthier, and more confident every time we push forward, do the work, and show up for ourselves. Every time we clear out the things that are no longer serving us, the reasons we are holding onto patterns and habits that may not really be to our benefit that may truly just be tools to hide behind and keep us from living a truly healthy life, we expand and free ourselves. With this freedom comes an ease in our life and our body. With this ease comes a love and appreciation from our body that it has been looking for in order to come closer to it's natural state of vibrancy. How often do you push down the challenges that you are facing? How often do you mask your emotions, stress and fear with other things like too much tv or social media, pills, alcohol, food, etc? How often do you feel anxiety or stress in your body? You are definitely not alone! I'm guessing everyone reading this relates in some sort or fashion. Because whether the trauma and stress you have been through in your life is major like losing both of your parents when you are a child or minor like getting upset with a parent and not able to deal with the emotions then... trauma is trauma. The real key is to find appreciation in this journey we call life with all of its messy bits and challenges.
How can you change your outlook to a challenge you have had (or are experiencing) in your life with appreciation and see it as a blessing? You are welcome to share it with me too! I'd love to know!
If you would like to get help on putting the puzzle pieces together and addressing the root cause of your health issues, I would be honored to work with you so you can find relief and healing in your body.
Look forward to hearing from you!
May you live your life with purpose, passion, and joy!
Have Courage, my Friends!
In Health & Wellness,
